Stardew Valley Wiki
Stardew Valley Wiki

Clothing items are equippable items that are either selected during Character Creation or obtained from various sources throughout the course of the game. Boots, Rings, and Trinkets will provide Stat bonuses and potentially alter the player's character appearance, while Hats, Pants, and Shirts are purely cosmetic and offer no advantage to Combat.


Accessories are chosen during the character creation process. There are 20 accessories available, including glasses, necklaces, beards, etc.


Hats can be equipped to the hat slot of the inventory menu. While you play you can unlock the following Hats

Unlockable Hats[]

  • Mouse Ears
  • Butterfly Bow
  • Lucky Bow
  • Good Ol´ Cap
  • Cool Cap
  • Bowler Hat
  • Tiara
  • Santa Hat
  • Tropoclip
  • Hunter´s Cap
  • Daisy
  • Sou ´ wester
  • Police/Postman cap
  • Watermelon Band
  • Karvane Munn
  • Cowgal Hat


The shirt the character wears is selected during the character creation process. There are 112 shirts available to choose from. You can also make new shirts any time if you are married to Emily. (It might take some time before you can access the sewing machine at her house.)


Shoes can be equipped to the footwear slot of the inventory menu.
