Stardew Valley Wiki
Stardew Valley Wiki

Ginger Island is an extra map players may unlock later, granting access to more quests, resources, Villagers, The Forge, new items and gear, a new Farm map, and much more.


Ginger Island is accessible after repairing the boat in the backroom of Willy's Fish Shop. Willy will send mail to the player asking them to come to the backroom of the fish shop, after the player has completed either the Community Center bundles or the Joja Warehouse. Repairing the boat costs Hardwood Hardwood (200), Iridium Bar Iridium Bar (5), and Battery Pack Battery Pack (5).

Granted the store isn't closed (now open at 8am) and the player can reach the backroom, tickets are bought any time for Gold 1,000g and Willy will enter the boat to set sail. The player can return to Stardew Valley at any time for free by entering the boat on the southern beach that they arrived on. They will usually arrive back inside the Fish Shop, except on festival days when the path back to the Farm may be blocked. In this case, the player will be deposited at the Bus Stop instead. If the beach is inaccessible on days such as the Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies festival, the player will be deposited on the bridge leading to the beach, south of Pelican Town.


Similar to the Greenhouse, the crops planted on Ginger Island are not affected by the current season, so they can grow anytime.

Ginger Island is the only island available to visit in the Fern Island archipelago, although other islands can be seen from the boat on the way there.

Island South[]

Beach Resort[]

Island Southeast[]

Pirate Cove[]

Island East[]

Gem Birds Shrine[]

Island North[]

Island Trader[]

Island Field Office[]

Dig Site[]

Mushroom Cave[]

Volcano Dungeon[]

Island West[]

Island Farm[]

Gourmand Frog[]

The Beach[]



Birdie's Shack[]

Qi's Walnut Room[]

Tiger Slime Grove[]

Crystal Puzzle[]

Parrot Express[]
