Stardew Valley Wiki
Stardew Valley Wiki

All users are expected to adhere to the policies of the Stardew Valley Wiki while editing on the Stardew Valley Wiki. If you disagree with any policy, feel free to discuss changes on the forum.

Policies have wide acceptance among editors and describe standards that all users should normally follow. All policy pages can be found at Category:Stardew Valley Wiki.

Community policies

  • The Manual of Style provides information on how to properly follow editing procedures on the Stardew Valley Wiki.
  • All decisions regarding policy and content are made by consensus from the administrators.
  • The copyright policy states that users do not own files or pages they edit.
  • The Stardew Valley Wiki does not tolerate vandalism of any kind.
  • This wiki is not Wikipedia or other wikis. While some rules may be similar, not all rules apply here, and vice versa.
  • This wiki is not owned by any staff member of Chucklefish. It is therefore not officially endorsed by the forums. Therefore, while some rules may be similar, not all rules apply here.

Content policies

  • Articles should be written in a neutral tone.
    • The wiki is neutral towards gender. Therefore, if an article is to specifically address the player, the term "the player" should be used.
  • Pages should only be for pages related to Stardew Valley.

User policies

  • Do not delete discussions on any talk pages.
  • Do not edit other users' userpages. Exceptions include maintenance purposes.


The Stardew Valley Wiki is strict against rule breakers. Spam is absolutely not tolerated.

Any spam will result in an instant reversion of the edit and a one month ban.

More Information

See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:User Group Rights
See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:Manual of Style
See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:Category Policy
See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:Editing Policy
See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:Image Policy
See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:Chat Policy
See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:Copyright
See article: Stardew Valley Wiki:Staff