This talk page is for discussing Farming. | |
Hi everyone,
I allowed myself to modify the page to give further information about profit-to-cost ratio. I really think this variable is more relevant than the seasonal profit to choose what crop to plant, as it reflects the overall return of your "investment". For instance, according to this ratio, Green Bean is the optimal crop to plant in Spring (after strawberry if planted on day 1) since it yields a return of +300%.
I propose to insert this variable in the table, if needed by removing the daily profit column which is hard to interpret. I already have the figures for every crop.
Please share thoughts.
Alkiller0 (talk) 13:07, March 7, 2016 (UTC)Alkiller0
The data would be more human-readable and sortable if only the "no star" price were listed in the table. The note at the top explains that silver star is +25% and gold star is +50%, so there is no need to display it in the table. Is there a way to do a calculated field in wiki syntax? 16:21, March 8, 2016 (UTC)
I have did the table like that so you can go to it for a quick way if you want to know what somthing is right away befort you sell it rather than having to do the math in your head with the percent tiles. I did this mainly for looking quickness so you can get back to playing SV easier rather than finding the no star price and having to do math with percenttiles!
Shrimpx 22:28, March 12, 2016 (UTC)
Have you considered having the price info on 1 line, I agree with alkiller that it's unreadable atm.
Also, a lot of the daily/seasonal profit info on this table seems to be wrong... though it was correct in the past.
Example Cauliflower is planted twice per season, seeds bought for 160g, sold for 350g (no star), minimal season profit of 190g?
The seasonal prophit includes buying the seeds and growing them selling them and rebuying the seeds. Also I took this from people who have figured all this up you take the daily prophit and times it by 28 thats how you get the seosonal profit. I have narowed down the no star to N S G I think its helpful to see all the prices for a quick look if you want to make fast money. That or your going to be clicking on the links to go to the acuall crop Page quite a bit.
McRicK (talk) 23:11, March 14, 2016 (UTC)
- Added Gold Templates to all currency on the page to be more inline with the visual aesthetics of the game.
- Added StarTemplates to all Star Rating references on the page to be more inline with the visual aesthetics of the game.
- Did not modify any of the page content.
1. The percentage values
The daily profit is used for when you need quick money. It shows which crop will give back the most gold in the shortest time. We could replace the daily value by the % profit, but then we lose the "scale" info regarding it.
Ex: Kale gets you 175% profit and Potatoes get you 160% profit... but potatoes do so with 1/2 as many crops. Kale is better with unlimited area, but Potatoes win out for space (and energy!) efficiency. Maybe we should have both values? If your short on energy (no sprinkers) then go for the daily value, if you're short on money then go for the %.
Same deal with the seasonal values...
- If you can only handle 10 crops, then 10 Hops will get you 3900g in profit at the end of the season. 10 Hot Peppers will only get you 2800g.
- If you only have 1200g, then 20 Hops will get you to 9000g - 7800g in profit. 30 Hot Peppers will turn that 1200g into 9600g in stead - 8400g in profit.
2. The star price values
Originall they weren't there (just Pierre vs Joja prices, which Pierre always wins on - why the hell do they keep talking about Joja's cheap prices in game? WTF?) and I agree that it would be better without them... the info is just useless when comparing crop choices, since you can't rely on the higher qualities. It makes no difference when comparing anyways, since it'll always increase the price by a proportional value for the different options (except for blueberries and cranberries, since the "extra" yield is never high quality)
It's only useful for deciding if a crop is worth selling or not. Honestly, when you have to make a decision based on the quality, you should always just sell the quality stuff and keep the no-star stuff. Unless you specifically need it for it's quality, such as the Quality Crop Bundle... otherwise the quality doesn't matter, does it? (like for gifts)
3. "you take the daily prophit and times it by 28 thats how you get the seosonal profit"
No. That is pointless. That artificially increases the yield for crops which can't stay planted for a full season. Easiest example is the Sweet Gem Berry. It gives 2000 in 24 days. That's 83.33 per day. Times that by 28 and it's more than 2000, but you will NEVER get more than 2000 from it per season. If you replant it, you made -1000 because it just dies off, which is only 1000 per season, due to stupidity.
If you want to use 1 plot on different crops throughout the season (ex: cauliflower, then potatoes, then parsnip or garlic twice), then you can look at the daily value to compare choices. Besides, just doing "x28" means both values compare the same, which makes it useless to have both.
Ahhh crap forgot so sign that last message. Here you go (hope it displays nicely!)
FeralFarmer (talk) 03:53, March 15, 2016 (UTC)
Oh! And the star values shouldn't be put on the same line. I had a complaint earlier on in the page's life about the table being too wide to display properly and those values being placed horizontally would be terrible for that! Thanks for the suggestion though.
P.S: My previous comment starts at the first underlined "1. The percentage values" thing. Some people sign their comments at the start, mine is signed at the end.
FeralFarmer (talk) 03:59, March 15, 2016 (UTC)